AI needs to benefit all animals.

Not just humans.

Humans make up a tiny fraction of life on Earth.

There are 8 billion humans in the world.

That’s tiny compared to the number of animals currently being farmed: 40 billion land animals, 79 billion insects, 125 billion fish, and 230 billion shrimps.

It’s even tinier compared to the number of animals living in the wild: a million billion if you just count birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, and 10 billion billion if you include crustaceans, insects, and arachnids..

All animals have a right to live decent lives free from exploitation.

Like humans, animals have subjective experiences of the world. They can experience pleasure and suffering. They have inherent urges to express natural behaviours. Although all this is being taken increasingly seriously by governments, scientists, and members of the public, it is not currently reflected in our actions. We confine animals in unnatural conditions to produce milk and eggs, kill them for their meat, and make it ever harder for them to thrive in the wild.

AI advances must benefit all animals – not just humans.

AI advances may change society in fundamental and unpredictable ways. Huge technical and governance efforts are needed to make sure that these changes are beneficial. These efforts must reflect animals’ interests, to ensure that AI promotes their rights rather than disempowering them further.

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