Thank you for attending! Recordings and recap will be available soon.
The AI, Animals, & Digital Minds Conference will take place in London, Friday 30th May to Sunday 1st June 2025.
We aim to build a multidisciplinary field AROUND how technology can positively impact animals.

Animal consideration in AI models
Advocacy and technology
Interspecies communication
Animal law and veterinary medicine
Precision livestock farming
Digital minds and artificial agents
And more!

Featured Guests
Peter Singer
Professor of Bioethics, Emeritus, Princeton University
(Virtual) -
Meghan Barrett
David Pearce
Philosopher, Bioethicist, Humanity+
Cass Sunstein
Robert Walmsley University Professor, Harvard University (Virtual)
Sara Beery
Assistant Professor, MIT – Computer Vision for the Environment & AI for Conservation (Virtual)
Rajesh Reddy
Animal Law Program Director, Lewis & Clark Law School
Jeff Sebo
Co-Director of the Wild Animal Welfare Program, Director of the Center for Mind, Ethics, and Policy, NYU
Christopher Berry
Executive Director, Nonhuman Rights Project
Aamir Ahmad
Deputy Director of Research, Flight Robotics and Perception Group, University of Stuttgart (Virtual)
Josh Balk
Xander Balwit
Editor-In-Chief, Asimov Press
Kyle Behrend
Founder, NFPs.ai
Jonathan Birch
Professor of Philosophy, London School of Economics (Virtual)
Aaron Boddy
Chief Operating Officer, Shrimp Welfare Project
Lewis Bollard
Program Director, Farm Animal Welfare, Open Philanthropy
Lev Bromberg
PhD Candidate and Research Fellow at the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne (Virtual)
Janire Castellano Bueno
Outreach Manager, Wild Animal Initiative
Lucius Caviola
Moral Psychologist, University of Oxford
Dustin Crummett
Executive Director, The Insect Institute
Zachary Eagleton
Applied Biotech Welfare Researcher, Independent
Andrés Gómez Emilsson
Director of Research, Qualia Research Institute
Tse Yip Fai
AI and Animal Ethics Researcher, formerly Princeton University and Foresight Institute
James Faville
Community Associate, Center on Long-Term Risk
Kathleen Finlinson
Head of Strategy, Eleos AI
Bob Fischer
Professor of Philosophy at Texas State University
Alexandra Hammond
Data Scientist and Chemoinformatics Ph.D Student
Courtney Handman
Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin
John Honchariw
Founder and CEO, Companion
Oscar Horta
Professor, University of Santiago de Compostela — Co-founder, Animal Ethics
Robert Long
Executive Director,
Eleos AI -
Mikko Järvenpää
Founder, Sentient Media and Worldshapers
Sarah Juarez
Veterinarian in Precision Animal Health
Julius Kapembwa
Lecturer, University of Zambia, and Senior Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics at Pompeu Fabra University (Virtual)
Webb Keane
George Herbert Mead Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan (Virtual)
Brandon Keim
Journalist and Author
Robin Larson
Member of Technical Staff, Anthropic
Dante Lauretta
Regents Professor, University of Arizona; Principal Investigator, OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission
Betsy Mason
Freelance Science Journalist and Editor
Jamie McLaughlin
Founder, Three Pearls Charities Inc.
Owen Martin
Ph.D candidate at University of Colorado Boulder
Carlos Morales
Partner, Deloitte, and Founding Partner, Founder, AI4Animals (Virtual)
Adrià Moret
Board Member, Center for Animal Ethics at Pompeu Fabra University
Suresh Neethirajan
Professor and University Research Chair in Digital Livestock Farming at Dalhousie University (Virtual)
Richard Ngo
AI expert, former OpenAI Governance Team
Kikiope Oluwarore
Executive Director, One Health and Development Initiative
Orr Paradise
Theory of Computation group, UC Berkeley & CETI
Christine Parker
Professor of Law at Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne and Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision Making and Society (Virtual)
Janet Pauketat
Research Fellow, Sentience Institute
Joan E. Schaffner
Associate Professor of Law, Faculty Co-Director Animal Legal Education Initiative, The George Washington University Law School (Virtual)
Amber Sheldon
PhD Candidate in Philosophy, Boston University
Derek Shiller
Senior Researcher, Worldview Investigations Team, Rethink Priorities
Jean-Sebastien Spratt
Co-Founder, Prophet AI
Jacob Shwartz-Lucas
Executive Director, The Animal Pain Research Institute
Max Taylor
Researcher, Animal Charity Evaluators and Author, AI for Animals Newsletter
Sam Tucker
Executive Director of Open Paws
Eli Tyre
Project Lead, Palisade Research
Noa Weiss
AI & Machine Learning Engineer
Anna Zamansky
Head of Tech4Animals, University of Haifa (Virtual)
Soenke Ziesche
AI Readiness Lead Expert, United Nations
And more!

Before the Conference

watch to learn more
You can get a sneak peek at four incredible organizations that will be represented at the conference below!
advance AI towards a better future for all animals

"I found that the unconference sessions led to real, tangible project ideas, and I left feeling like we're on the cusp of something huge for animal welfare!"
- Aaron Boddy, Chief Operations Officer, Shrimp Welfare Project
"AI has the potential to affect nonhuman animals everywhere, and over the past two years, this conference has played a key role in accelerating research about this important and neglected topic. Highly recommended for anyone with an interest in AI ethics or animal ethics."
- Jeff Sebo, Director, NYU Center for Mind, Ethics, and Policy
“I loved how the conference brought together numerous groups that don't typically interact. Animal advocates and activists could meet and discuss topics with academics studying precision livestock farming and philosophers researching animal consciousness and digital minds. ”
- Richie Manandhar-Richardson, Data Scientist & Researcher, Bryant Research & Good Growth Co.
“We presented our vision to map the most important sources of farm animal suffering over the next few years... The audience's enthusiasm and interest in our work were truly motivating.”
Wladimir J. Alonso, Researcher and Director, Center for Welfare Metrics
Core Team
Sankalpa Ghose
Founder, OpenTelemed.Org & AnimalFriendly.AI
Constance Li
Founder, AI for Animals — Co-founder, Hive
Santeri Tani
Co-founder, Finnish Center for Safe AI Tutke